Saturday, July 26, 2014

I think she likes me

Dunno how long the ole' girl has been beside me,
but I really do think she likes me.
She greets me at the door every time I come in,
and has stuck with me through thick and thin.
She really is very pretty,
for an ole' stray tabby kitty.
She often strikes a sexy pose,
even though she's got a messy nose.
We know our days on this planet are numbered,
yet we choose to spend most of them in slumber.
Each and every moment together is special,
so I hold her close and gentle..
When my days finally come to an end,
I know she'll be my forever friend.
Life is too short to go it alone,
so cuddle up tight in your forever home.

A purrfect match! :-)

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sometimes I'm ashamed

Sometimes I'm ashamed of the Big Cats. They make us do things we don't want to do like come inside at night. They only give us food at certain times of the day. They insist we don't barf up our hair balls on the living room floor or kitchen table. I tell you it's just deplorable how they treat us sometimes. Get this, once the Big Cat put a collar on me. A collar with a frikken Bell! Oh the infelinity of it all!
Seriously? A bell?
As you can see I'm not impressed. Not impressed at all. How can any self respecting Tom Cat put up with a collar and especially a collar with a frikken Bell on it! Humph! If the 'He Man Tom Cat Club' ever got wind of that they'd kick me out! Well, lemme tell ya, that collar and bell didn't make it home that night. No sir, no way, no how, nope!

I think the worst indignity I have to suffer at the paws of the Big Cats comes at bed time. I mean, I get there in plenty of time. Usually I'm first or second in the bed. Then the Big Cats show up and try to squish me out! The nerve of them! Do they not understand that I am the Alpha Male in this colony. I am the only bonafide Ring Tailed Tom Cat!

I guess all I can do is bow my head in disgust.  [/rant]

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Lazy Day Laying About

Today was a good day to just laze about. I'm old you see. I don't run around like a monkey anymore. I like to sit back and watch the other gooches run around like monkeys. I would much rather conserve energy for more important things like eating and taking a cat nap. Here I am putting on a full out burst of speed. Don't blink or you'll miss it!

I have quite a few places inside where I like to lounge. These are some of my most favorite.

#1 The Cat Tree
The Cat Tree

This is by far the best perch in the house. In the warm time there's a breeze that blows through the house right across the cat tree. It's a good place, as the big cat says: "good place to blow the stink off". It's also the best place to snag the arm of a big cat who just happens to be passing by in order to get more scratchies. One of the big cats doesn't like this too much. She taps me on the nose when I do it. The other big cat doesn't mind and always gives me scratchies.

#2 The Big Cat
The Big Cat

Big cats are always the best place for a cat nap during the cold times. I especially like this big cat. She's always nice and snuggly warm and gives the best ear scratchies. Sometimes the big cat falls asleep and purrs too. The other big cat always says: "I have to turn up the TV volume to drown you two out." Sometimes the big cat will go upstairs to bed and the other big cat and me will stay downstairs almost all night. It's really hard to get up and move when you're so snuggly warm and comfy. I could stay this way forever except when it's the warm time again.

#3 The Momma Cat
Snugglin' with Momma Cat

I like to snuggle with the Momma cat and she likes to snuggle with me. We've been together for a long time now. I don't know how long but it's long. She's a good snuggler too but not quite as good as the other big cat. Momma cat always greets me at the door when I come in. She's bossy sometimes and 'natters at me' for being outside too long or not paying attention to her or not telling her how pretty she is. I just let it go in one ear and out the other. I still love the Momma cat though. She's pretty.

Baby and Momma
The Momma and her Baby snuggle together a lot. They have some spots they like to snuggle. There's a big pillow in the corner or on the couch.They have always been close and snuggle all the time.

Shadow (aka The Princess)
Shadow (aka The Princess) doesn't snuggle with anyone but the Big Cat. She's grumpy most of the time. She gets to sleep pretty much anywhere she wants. She picks the weirdest places sometimes. She thinks she's special.

Squirt (aka Hollywood Squirt)
Squirt (aka Hollywood Squirt) sleeps anywhere. Doesn't matter to him where. The Big Cats have to be careful because they're always stepping on Squirt. He takes up a lot of room. The Big cat says: "He's not fat, he's fluffy and takes up a lot of space."

The Big Cat want's to get a sign made. He says this place is a "Flop House for Gooches". I'm tired now. I think I'll go back to the cat tree and have a nap. See you soon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Dog Days of Summer

Ahhhhhh coooooooool
Oh boy. It's hot again. I don't much like it when it's this hot. Sometimes it's hard to find a place to stay out of the sun and cool.

The best place is usually in the house. I don't like being in the house when it's nice outside but I don't like 'Roasting My Bacon' either. The Big Cats usually call us 'Fur Puddles' although I don't know what that means. All I hear is 'don't step in the fur puddle'.

He follows me everywhere!
Sometimes we like to rest under the boxy things in the door yard. They have shade and the bricks stay cool. That fat orange stripy cat always follows me where ever I go. I can't seem to get away from him.

More lounging in the shade.
I guess it's not so bad sharing my shade with the fat orange stripy cat. At least we don't have the energy to fight when it's this hot outside. Besides I think he's tired of me kicking his butt. The Big Cats say that we are just not as aggressive since we lost our 'knickers'. I don't know what knickers are and I don't know where mine went but I don't seem to miss them.

Ahhhh coooooool!
When it's really hot we sometimes spend the whole day in the basement. The Big Cat hangs out down there playing on something called a 'computer'. I don't know what a computer is but it's not for sleeping on in hot weather either. The Baby cat is smart. She likes to sleep on the floor in the basement.

There's plenty of spots to hide in the basement. Sometimes when it storms outside or a stranger comes to the house we hide in the basement. It makes us feel safe. It's good to be safe in our Forever Home.

Roasting bacon!